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Nexford University

Nexford University (American MBA)

What if you were told that you could access better opportunities from the comfort of your own home in Ghana? At Nexford University, that's exactly what you can do. Continue your journey to the top by acquiring future-focussed skills with an MBA from Nexford!

Nexford offers:

  • A 100% online, affordable American MBA you can study at home in Ghana ($160/month, average $2,880 total degree cost)
  • Flexible learning: study whenever, wherever.
  • Monthly payments in Cedi or USD

Want a degree to help you stand out from the crowd? Choose from 5 specializations and build in-demand skills in Ghana such as Data Science, AI & Automation and E-Commerce. 96% of our learners would recommend Nexford to a friend!

So, what are you waiting for? Discover a next-generation MBA today.


Nexford Univeristy


"Eventhough we’d closed our subsidiary in Ghana, I am greateful about meeting you and the team along my professional journey. You have always been kind and hard worker when collaborating with you" HR Manager - GhaDaba.


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